
I'm having an issue that is really weird and I don't know how to solve
it myself, so I hope someone here has an explanation for this and can
help me out...

In my controller I send 3 seperate Emails, to different recipients and
with different reply-adresses, and on my dev-server everything seems
to work fine. Seems to because I can only test with email-adresses
from GMX, googlemail and one other.

This is the part of the email-sening in my controller:
        $this->Email->to = Configure::read
        $this->Email->charset = 'utf-8';
        $this->Email->subject = 'Booking #'.$booking['Booking']
        $this->Email->replyTo = Configure::read
        $this->Email->from = Configure::read
('Email.reservation_from_name').' <'.Configure::read
        $this->Email->template = 'booking';
        $this->Email->sendAs = 'both';
        $this->set(compact('booking', 'titles', 'scooters', 'extras',
'age', 'nettosum', 'vatsum', 'totalsum', 'shop'));
        if ($this->Email->send()) {
            $this->Client->id = $booking[Client']['id'];
            $this->Client->saveField('master_mail', 1);

                $this->Email->to = $booking['Shop']['email'];
        $this->Email->charset = 'utf-8';
        $this->Email->subject = 'Booking #'.$booking['Booking']
        $this->Email->replyTo = $booking['Client']['email'];
        $this->Email->from = $booking['Client']['email'].' <'.$booking
        $this->Email->template = 'booking';
        $this->Email->sendAs = 'both';
        $this->set(compact('booking', 'titles', 'scooters', 'extras',
'age', 'nettosum', 'vatsum', 'totalsum', 'shop'));
        if ($this->Email->send()) {
            $this->Client->id = $booking[Client']['id'];
            $this->Client->saveField('master_mail', 1);

        $this->Email->to = $booking['Client']['email'];
        $this->Email->charset = 'utf-8';
        $this->Email->subject = __('Booking Confirmation',
true).' ('.__('Booking', true).' #'.$booking['Booking']
        $this->Email->replyTo = $booking['Shop']['email'];
        $this->Email->from = $booking['Shop']['name'].' <'.$booking
        $this->Email->template = 'booking';
        $this->Email->sendAs = 'both';
        $this->set(compact('booking', 'titles', 'scooters', 'extras',
'age', 'nettosum', 'vatsum', 'totalsum', 'shop'));
        if ($this->Email->send()) {
            $this->Client->id = $booking[Client']['id'];
            $this->Client->saveField('master_mail', 1);

On my dev-Server everything works finde; on my production server it
seems not even $this->Email->send() is returned true, because the
fields of my databse which should be 1 for all three fields, are left
at 0, even though the email is actually send!

And the weirdest of all problems is, the first email-adress is
everytime the same, but not every email is sent to this adress!

How can that be?

Do I have to put the "to" part of the email in "<" and ">" or what am
I missing here?!

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