Hi people,
i am facing a problem with my app.In particular i use httpsocket for a
request in an external site to get some information.I have an element
to force user put some name:

<?php echo ($form->create('Destination', array
('controller'=>'destinations','action' =>'search')));?>

        <?php echo $form->input('place', array('label'=> 'Search

        <div align="center">
      <?php echo ($form->submit('Search', array('div' => false,'class'
=> 'submitbutton'))); ?>
          <?php echo($form->end()); ?>

now in my controller i have a search function where i want to take the
place variable as a parameter so i do:

function search($place=null) {
App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
                $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();

                $results = $HttpSocket->get('http://ws.geonames.org/search?', 

I am doing this '.$place.' to take place as a string but it doesnt
work.Any help to this plz?

Ty v much!

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