You load the record in the controller, before you push the data to the view
that you have in your link below. I would record the statistics at this
point in the controller.

I noticed in your view code, you have an array which you iterate. After the
first iteration, you have a header("Location:") - so I wouldn't bother load
an array of data, just the single record you wish to redirect from.

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:50 AM, ramzwatcher <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to create a redirect function in cakephp while having cloak
> redirect (using iframe) or normal redirect,
> plus I want to records the statistics of views for every attempt.
> Here's the link that I want to redirect where it's cloaked.
> Below are codes that i write:
> So where can I place a query to insert date for every views?
> I seriously don't have any idea to do this one.
> And i also attach my db structure for references and thanks a lot!
> This file is recommends/URL.CTP
> <head>
>       <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-
> Type"/>
>       <?php e($html->css('empty')); ?>
> </head>
> <?php
> foreach ($recommends as $recommend):
> if($recommend['Recommend']['cloacked'] == 1){
> $this->layout = 'empty';
> ?>
> <iframe height="100%" frameborder="0" width="100%" marginwidth="0"
> marginheight="0" name="body" src="<?php echo $recommend['Recommend']
> ['url'] ?>"/>
> </iframe>
> <?php
> }else{
> header("Location:" .$recommend['Recommend']['url']);
> }
> endforeach; ?>
> I want to insert hits to statistics table in this /recommends/url.ctp
> that contains:
> -id
> -click date
> -click counts
> -recommend_id
> Your comment is appreciated. Thanks!
> >

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