The model filename should be irrigation_event.php

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Travis<> wrote:
> I tried changing the name of FK in both the database and model and it
> still does not work. I have used BelongsTo before with plural FK and
> it worked. I wonder if it has something to do with my code and naming
> convention
> Names are,
> Database = irrigation_events
> Model = IrrigationEvent (irrigationEvent.php)
> Controller = IrrigationEventsController
> (irrigation_events_controller.php)
> These are my set functions in the controller
> $this->set('irrigationEvents', $this->IrrigationEvent->findAll());
> $this->set('fields',$this->IrrigationEvent->Field->find('list'));
> I think I might not be using the right plural/camel case conventions
> any ideas?
> Travis
> >

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