you called the prototype.js?

Eric Silva

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 10:24 PM, David<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to work with ajax helper to do a comments form on a test
> blog system.
> I am fairly new...but have managed to pick most things up...but this
> is doing my head in!
> Okay so I show a blog post and people can comment on them so I use
> this in the view file:
> <?php echo $ajax->form(null,'post',array
> ('update'=>'comment','url'=>array
> ('controller'=>'comments','action'=>'add')));
>  ?>
> <?php echo $form->input(''); ?>
> <?php echo $form->input('Comment.content'); ?>
> <?php echo $form->input('Comment.post_id', array
> ('type'=>'hidden','value'=>$post['Post']['id'])); ?>
> <?php echo $form->end('Add Comment'); ?>
> -------
> then the logic for this in the Comments controller / add function is :
> function add() {
>                if(!empty($this->data)){
>                        $this->Comment->create();
>                        if($this->Comment->save($this->data)) {
> $comments=$this->Comment->find('all',array('conditions'=>array
> ('post_id'=>$this->data['Comment']['post_id']),'recursive'=>-1));
>                                $this->set(compact('comments'));
>                                $this->render('add_success','ajax');
>                        }else{
>                                $this->render('add_failure','ajax');
>                        }
>                }
>        }
> it all displays good......BUT when I click 'Add Comment'
> It doesnt do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I have searched high and low and
> cannot find any help on the web, so I am hoping some superstar on here
> can help??
> WHY is it not doing ANYTHING....atleast if I got an error I could take
> it from there, but I get NOTHING!
> PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
> >

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