
ohneworte-2 wrote:
> Hello Together,
> I want to link two Models without using a Foreign Key, but using some
> Conditions instead. Here is my example:
> Model:
> ---------
> class Category extends AppModel {
>       var $name = "Category";
>       var $actsAs = array("Containable");
>       var $hasMany = array(
>               "Zone" => array(
>                       "foreignKey" => false,
>                       "conditions" => array(
>                               "AND" => array("Category.width = Zone.width", 
> "Category.height =
> Zone.height")
>                       )
>               )
>       );
> }
> Controller:
> --------------
> $category = $this->Category->find("first", array(
>       "conditions" => array("" => 1),
>       "contain" => array(
>               "Zone"
>       )
> ));
> Result:
> ----------
>>>SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Category.width' in 'where clause'<<
> That seems clear if you make a look on the generated Query:
>>>SELECT ... FROM 'zones' AS 'Zone' WHERE (('Category'.'width' =
'Zone'.'width') AND ('Category'.'height' = 'Zone'.'height')) <<
> No Join occurs - but why? Can anybody help me out?
> I appreciate any help on this issue.
> Regards.
> > 

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