Hi all,

Well I have been stuck up for some time with this problem.

Well I have Registration page in my application. The Registration process
can be done in ways.
           1. When a new Customer comes directly for registration.
           2. When a Lead becomes a Customer.

My Registration Object has the following relation.

            Registration - hasMany - EducationalDetails
                               - hasMany - ProfessionalDetails
                               - hasMany - EligibilityTests
                               - hasMany - CandidateStudyAbroad.

When a new Customer comes for Registration the data would be empty and while
saving REGISTRATION and all its corresponding models are getting stored.
So far no issues.

But when an existing Lead is being Registered, I am sending the Lead Id
through URL, retrieving it from database and populating the Registration
form using $this->data().
The form is rendering perfect with all the values populated.
But when I am trying to save the Form, the values for the Registration
object except created ans modified are not being saved. The values for the
corresponding related object are all being saved well.

When I checked the Query that is being run I found out that in the second
condition only the created and modified values are being Inserted for

My Controller Function :

function studyabroadregistration($id = null){
        if (array_key_exists('cancel', $this->params['form'])){
            $this->Session->setFlash('Action Cancelled.',true);

        }else if(array_key_exists('cancelfromlead', $this->params['form'])){
            $this->Session->setFlash('Action Cancelled.',true);
        }else if(array_key_exists('save', $this->params['form'])){

            if (!empty($this->data)) {


!= null)


                    if($this->data['ProfessionalDetail'][$i]['end_date'] !=


                if ($this->Registration->saveAll($this->data)) {
                    if($this->data['Registration']['lead_id'] !=null){
                        $this->data = $this->Lead->read(null, $leadId);

                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Registration has
ergqwerg been saved', true));

                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Registration could not
be saved. Please, try again.', true));
            if(isset ($id) && empty($this->data)){
                $this->set('from', 'lead');
                $lead = $this->Lead->read(null, $id);




            $this->Country->recursive = -1;
            $this->set('countryList', $this->Country->myGenerateList(null,
null, null,'{n}.Country.id', '{n}.Country.name'));

My view is dynamic view : I am just pasting the form elements.

<?php echo $form->create('Registration', array('action' =>
'studyabroadregistration','url'=>array('controller' => 'registrations')));?>
<table class="tabform" style="border-top:none" cellspacing="1"
cellpadding="0"  border="0" width="100%" >
            <tr style="height:25px">
                <th align="left" colspan="8" ><h4>Personal
                <td><div class="formLabel"> First Name <span
                <td><?php echo $form->input('first_name', array('label' =>
                          echo $form->hidden('id');  ?></td>
                <td><div class="formLabel"> Middle Name</div></td>
                <td><?php echo $form->input('middle_name', array('label' =>
                <td><div class="formLabel"> Last Name <span
                <td><?php echo $form->input('last_name', array('label' =>
                <td><div class="formLabel"> Gender</div></td>
                    <input name="data[Registration][gender]" id="Male"
value="Male" type="radio" checked >Male
                    <input name="data[Registration][gender]" id="Female"
value="Female" type="radio" >Female
                <td><div class="formLabel"> Marital Status </div></td>
                <td><?php echo $form->input('marital_status', array('label'
=> '','type'=>'select','empty'=>'Select','options'=>array( 'married'
=>'Married', 'single' => 'Single', 'divorced' =>
                <td><div class="formLabel"> Date Of Birth <span
                <td colspan="2"><?php echo $form->input('dob', array('label'
=> '','className'=>'formInput','timeFormat'=>''));?></td>
<table class="tabform" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"  border="0"
width="100%" >
            <tr style="height:25px">
                <th align="left" colspan="9" ><h4>Educational
                    <table border="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"
style="border:1px solid #c0c0c0;" >
                        <th class="eligibility_th">Course Name</th>
                        <th class="eligibility_th">Stream</th>
                        <th class="eligibility_th">Year Of Passing</th>
                        <th class="eligibility_th">University</th>
                        <th class="eligibility_th"></th>

                                <td style="width:25%;text-align:left;"><?php
                                <td style="width:25%;text-align:left;"><?php
                                <td style="width:25%;text-align:left;"><?php
echo $form->input('EducationDetail.0.year_of_passing',array('label'=>''));
                                <td style="width:22%;text-align:left;"><?php
                                <td style="width:3%;text-align:center;"><a
src="../img/plus_inline1.gif" width="10" height="10"></a></td>

                                 <td colspan="5" style="padding:0px"><div
id="parentDiv" style="width:100%" > </div></td>

The javascript function here adds rows of educational details row by row
with perfect numbering.

Well this part has been troubling me for some part.
What I have done wrong ? .

Please help.

Sijo Jose Chakramakkil

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