pliz, if there is one here can help me, i'll apreciated a lot.

On Jul 22, 10:03 am, Carlos Suarez Fontalvo
<> wrote:
> I have a problem when trying to identify the HBTM arguments for this
> relatioship.
> The table is this one:
> I know, that the table doen't follow cakephp conventions, but for this
> reason its because I cannot identify the HBTM parameters.
> The image above show 3 important tables. these are: TipoUsuario,
> TipoUsuarioModulo, Modulo.
> I wanna identify the HBTM association in TipoUsuario y Modulo.
> This is what i don't how to "configure" it in my models
> Here is the link:
> I cannot identify the jointable, foreignKey, associationForeignKey, in
> TipoUsuario and Modulo models.
> I also wanna know if my TipoUsuarioModulo model y right. here is the
> TipoUsuarioModulo model code.
> Here is the link:
> Greetings for any ideas that help me to solve this problem.
> my email is ing.carlos.s at gmail dot com
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