I am trying to use a select box to update another select box using
ajax.  I have two tables: locations and nodes, and Locations hasMany
Nodes and Nodes belongsTo Locations.  I want a locations select box to
update the nodes select box with all the nodes that are at that
I've been to multiple forums with great tutorials explaining how this
works, but I follow their directions exactly and it never works.
I am brand new to any type of AJAX development, and I have only been
developing with CakePHP for a couple weeks now.

Here is the code:

In my controller:
function update_select() {
        if(!empty($this->data)) {
                $locationId = $this->data['Location']['id'];
                $options = $this->Iface->Node->find('list', 
                $this->set('options', $options);
In my view:
<?php echo $form->input('Location.id', array
('type'=>'select','options'=>$locations, 'id' => 'LocationId',
'label'=>'Location')); ?>
<?php echo $form->input('Node.id', array('type'=>'select', 'options'=>
$nodes,'id' => 'NodeId', 'label'=>'Node')); ?>
In my update_select.ctp:
<?php foreach ($options as $i => $option): ?>
        <option value="<?php echo $i; ?>"><?php echo $option; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>

(I have Ajax and Javascript helpers, RequestHandler component, and
prototype all defined)

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