Have a look at admin routing. You don't need to have separate
controllers for what you want to do.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Michael Gaiser<mjgai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, my users and locations use the same setup. I have split up my normal
> controller into 2 parts so I can have different permissions and functions.
> ie, I don't want normal users to be able to delete user records, only
> admins. So instead of having all my functions have an admin test, which
> would seem to be ignoring the ACL stuff.
> With the 2 controllers, I can set the user controller to just have the
> standard user functions, but then have the UsersAdmin controller require
> that the user is an admin to access it. It also allows for separate
> functions so that the user can edit their account settings, but with limited
> access. Only the Admin can edit the username and stuff like that. If there
> is a better way to be using the Auth component, I would love to hear it, but
> having the controller split into normal/admin seems to be the only way I
> found to make it work. And since there is a ton of shared code between them,
> I wanted to have the admin inherit from the normal, then add in the
> additional functionality.
> So that's where I am right now. I hope that sheds some light on what I am
> trying to accomplish.
> ~Michael
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:46 PM, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Michael Gaiser<mjgai...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > When I try that, I end up with this error
>> >
>> > Fatal error: Class 'LocationController' not found in
>> > C:\wamp\www\theinconnu\app\controllers\locationmanager_controller.php on
>> > line 6
>> You might have to include the path:
>> http://api.cakephp.org/class/app#method-Appimport
>> > So for the parent controller name, do I use 'Location' or
>> > 'LocationController'?
>> "Location" would be the name of the model. If your class file says
>> "class LocationController ..." at the top, that's the name to use.
>> Although it really should be LocationsController.
>> But I wonder if you'd be better off without importing one controlller
>> into another. You began by mentioning something called UserAdmin,
>> which suggests that you could just stick with Users and admin routing.
>> Where does this LocationController fit in?
> >

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