anyone ?

On 28 jul, 17:31, iFeghali <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I found myself stuck for a week in an issue that I would really
> appreciate any kind of help. Thats my scenario:
> Machine HABTM Service
> Machine belongsTo Type
> Type hasOne Machine
> Machine hasMany MachineContact
> MachineContact belongsTo Machine
> Now I have Machine->afterFind() hypothetically defined as:
> <?php
> function afterFind($results, $primary = false) {
> print_r($results);
> return $results;}
> ?>
> Recursive is set to 2 for everything. So far so good.
> If I go to /services/view/someId I get:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             machine attribs ...
>             [MachinesService] => Array
>                 (
>                   ...
>                 )
>             [Type] => Array
>                 (
>                   ...
>                 )
>             [MachineContact] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Array
>                         (
>                           ...
>                         )
>                     [1] => Array
>                         (
>                           ...
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
> )
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [Machine] => the Array above
>        )
> )
> First question, I do not understand why afterFind() was called twice.
> In the SQL log there is only one query searching the machines table.
> As I browsed cake's source I found that afterFind() in called in the
> model layer and after that again at the DB layer. Did I get it right ?
> If so, why is the reason for that ?
> But the real issue comes when I go to /types/view/someId:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [Machine] => Array
>                 (
>                  ...
>                 )
>         )
> )
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [Machine] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Array
>                         (
>                            machine attribs...
>                             [Type] => Array
>                                 (
>                                  ...
>                                 )
>                             [MachineContact] => Array
>                                 (
>                                     [0] => Array
>                                         (
>                                          ...
>                                         )
>                                 )
>                             [Service] => Array
>                                 (
>                                     [0] => Array
>                                         (
>                                           ...
>                                         )
>                                 )
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
> )
> afterFind() is called twice again as [un]expected. The problem is,
> this time, in the first run it didn't fetch any of the Machines
> associated models, even though recursive is set to 2. Also, the array
> is indexed by model name what doesn't happens in the first test.
> Secondly, in the second run the machine array comes complete with all
> the attributes plus the associated models, indexed by model name
> again.
> So, what did I missed here ?
> Thank you.
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