for anyone following this topic...i found a post with a bit more

basically discussed send bulk emails with swiftmailer via CRON

On Jul 30, 11:23 am, JamesF <> wrote:
> i would love to use cakes native email component and whip something up
> from the shell but it might be like treading water to get it to work
> for 5000 emails a day.
> On Jul 30, 8:46 am, brian <> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 4:36 AM, Grzegorz
> > Pawlik<> wrote:
> > > Why using vendor when cake (1.2) have native email component?
> > Unlike Cake's EmailComponent, the SwiftMailer package includes a
> > couple of plugins, AntiFlood & Throttler, that are meant for use in
> > situations where there are *many* emails to be sent. Without it, one's
> > PHP app would simply dump [many] emails at once on the MTA, which
> > isn't a great idea if one doesn't want to stress one's MTA more than
> > it is already. And, for people using hosted accounts, that's not
> > likely to be an option.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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