Firstly, the $name must be == to the name of the Model. $name is used
to compatibility in php4

Secondly, The WorksCollections controller is looking for the
WorksCollection model. Cakephp only singularises the last word in a
multi word name. So you should rename your WorkCollection model to

Thirdly, your table name has the prefix cc_ so your are going to need
to set that either in the database configuration (if shared by all
your tables), or in the model (See

On Aug 9, 11:01 pm, JuanWalker <> wrote:
> Hi Guys, I've this problem. I've a table called cc_works_collections
> that I've created on mysql db.
> These are the controller and the model of this table (Using scaffold)
> class WorksCollectionsController extends AppController {
>         var $name = 'WorksCollections';
>         var $scaffold;
> }
> class WorkCollection extends AppModel{
>         var $name ="CcWorkCollection";
>         var $belongsTo ="MdlAssignament";
>         var $hasOne = "MdlAssignamentSubmission";
> }
> When I try to test my scaffold it ask for works_collections table but
> I've specified that my table has been named cc_works_collections as
> you see on model source.
> This error is appearing :
> Missing Database Table
> Error: Database table works_collections for model WorksCollection was
> not found.
> I've deleted cache from model and nothing changes, what's going on?
> Please help me!! Many thanks
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