You should be alright with something like:

Router::connect('/optimised_category_name/*', array('controller' =>
'controller_from_cake', 'action' => 'view'));

Anything beginning with desired controller name is routed to the view
action. You would also need to add specific routes (above that one)
for any edit, delete.. and so on.

On Aug 18, 2:25 pm, Taff <> wrote:
> Hey Martin,
> thanks for the reply. That is currently how I have it working. My
> intention is to do away with the view part of the URL to all intensive
> purposes so that an call to
> controller/slug
> actually reroutes to controller/view/slug
> The other issue was that I have rerouted my controller from its
> original name to something a little more search engine friendly.
> controller_from_cake/view/4
> to
> optimised_category_name/optimised_page_name/
> I have no need to visit the frontends controller_from_cakes other
> methods (just the view).
> Thanks again
> Taff
> On Aug 18, 1:49 pm, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> > I should also say that the routing bit is useful as a first line of
> > defence against bad slugs.
> > On Aug 18, 12:46 pm, Taff <> wrote:
> > > After reading through
> > > along with,cake-seoandpottering
> > > around for quite some time, I have come to the conclusion that I need
> > > some help. Here is the scenario:
> > > I am rerouting a controllername to a different name that is SEO
> > > friendlier:
> > > Router::connect('/consulting/:action/*', array('controller' =>
> > > 'consultingskills', 'action' => 'index'));
> > > This works just fine, and I can now go to site/consulting/view/4 and
> > > it will load the relevant information.
> > > How would I go about routing to make a URL such as site/consulting/seo
> > > redirect to site/consultingskills/view/4
> > > whereby id 4 in the database has a slug called "seo".
> > > I found a random post with
> > > Router::connect('/consultingskills/:slug',
> > >         array('controller' => 'consultingskills', 'action' => 'view'),
> > >         array('slug' => '[-_A-Za-z0-9]+')
> > >         );
> > > Can anyone walk me through what steps I need to take?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Taff
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