I experienced something similar a while ago and logged this -
Nate's reply was (quite correctly) that I should write a test case to
4 months later & I still haven't done it :(
My lazy solution: refactor my code until it went away! (No excuse
really, but I was busy... and I can't even remember now what changes I
@MonkeyGirl: got time to write a tc? Your relationship context looks a
bit simpler than the one I had...

On Aug 18, 10:31 pm, MonkeyGirl <z...@monkeehouse.com> wrote:
> I believe this may be the same issue I'm experiencing.  After a bit of
> investigation, I've found out the issue is that specifying "contain"
> would appear to affect things in subsequent queries.
> For example, say I have Cart hasMany CartedProduct belongsTo Product
> belongsTo Brand.  Product also belongsTo VatRate.  (In other words,
> CartedProduct is a linking table between Cart and Product.  It has a
> quantity column, hence I'm not using hABTM.)  I might have a piece of
> code like this, in a method of the Cart model:
> // This is fine.  It displays products along with their brand.
> $products = $this->CartedProduct->Product->find('all', array(
>   'contain' => array(
>     'Brand'
>   )
> ));
> pr($products);
> // This causes issues
> $ignore = $this->find('first', array(
>   'conditions' => array(
>     'Cart.id' => $cartID
>   ),
>   'contain' => array(
>     'CartedProduct.Product.VatRate' => array(
>       'fields' => array(
>         'percentage'
>       )
>     )
>   )
> ));
> // This is now broken.  The brand is no longer displayed.
> $products = $this->CartedProduct->Product->find('all', array(
>   'contain' => array(
>     'Brand'
>   )
> ));
> pr($products);
> There are a few interesting things to note here:
> Product is now broken, even though the query that broke it was
> performed on Cart.
> If I contain 'CartedProduct.Product.VatRate' then it's fine, but as
> soon as I get as far as specifying its field, in this case
> "percentage", it breaks.  This is regardless of whether I specify
> 'CartedProduct.Product.VatRate.percentage' or use the proper array-
> based method above.
> By "breaking", I specifically mean that any subsequent queries
> regarding products will only show data that meet the contain criteria
> above as well as any new contain criteria.
> I would expect this from unbindModel() if I was telling it to remember
> the unbinding, but I wouldn't expect it from a contain argument passed
> to find().
> I've checked, and yes, Product does still belongTo both Brand and
> VatRate after the query.  A pr() of $this->CartedProduct->Product and
> of $this (the Cart) show that both are identical before and after the
> troublesome query.
> Before anyone asks, I'm using CakePHP version 8166.
> I've implemented a temporary workaround: because I know I want Brand
> in a subsequent query, I'm including it in the contain in the query
> that breaks the subsequent ones.  However, that's not a viable long-
> term solution as I'm concerned that I may have some other piece of
> code somewhere that thinks it's pulling out important data that it now
> isn't.
> Is this a bug?  should I go ahead and report it?
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