Thanks very much. For anyone else:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

seemed to solve the problem.


On Aug 20, 2:16�pm, "euromark (munich)" <>
> probably the encoding...
> save your file as UTF8 (!) and make sure everything else is set
> correctly
> it should work fine then
> On 20 Aug., 13:27, Taff <> wrote:
> > Hey I'm using Inflector::slug to convert a name to a slug. The german
> > version has numerous special characters in the form of ����.
> > Although it replaces spaces with underscores it seems to completely
> > ignore the special characters.
> > $tmp = Inflector::slug(Tre�nd-����r�meter 2008: wird �ffis sein);
> > returns
> > Tre�nd_����r�meter_2008_wird_�ffis_sein
> > I was hoping it would return
> > Treand_oeueaeaeroemeter_2008_wird_oeffis_sein
> > and from what I have read in the documentation, that should be the
> > case. What am I doing wrong?
> > Cheers,
> > Taff
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