Alas, when I do that, I get:


But it really matters works as-is, and I'm okay with it. :)


On Aug 20, 10:59 am, Jamie <> wrote:
> That might work, but I think you'd agree that it's a bit hacky. If
> you're working with this URL:
> /orders/add/1
> Which, following Cake naming conventions, translates to
> OrdersController::add() with an id of '1', then all you really need to
> do is specify $this->here for the form URL, rather than working with
> $this->params['url']['url']. So:
> echo $form->create('Order', array('url' => $this->here));
> That's the syntax I use for my form URLs, and I never have issues with
> disappearing variables, duplicating elements, etc.
> - Jamie
> On Aug 20, 7:46 am, carl67lp <> wrote:
> > AD:
> > That helps quite a bit.  It didn't quite get me there...what I end up
> > with is a resulting URL of:
> > /sitevisits/orders/orders/add/1
> > Note the duplication of "orders".  With a bit of mucking about, I
> > ended up with this:
> > $parts = explode('/', $this->params['url']['url']);
> > $vid = array_pop($parts);
> > echo $form->create('Order', array('url' => array('controller' =>
> > 'orders', 'action' => 'add', $vid)));
> > This seems to work perfectly (unless, of course, I'm missing something
> > that would lead to unexpected behaviour!).
> > Thanks for your assistance.
> > --Carl
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