
I am very new to Cake and have searched for an answer to this but
can't quite get my head around it enough to ask ask the right
question.  I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right

I have 2 tables, Users and Comments.  Each User has many comments.  I
have defined the Comments table as follows:
Field                    Type
id                       int(11)          auto_increment
title                    varchar(150)
comment          text
user_id          int(11)
comment_id       int(11)

The comment_id refers back to the id field in the same table to track
the parent comment vs the child comment.  An example of the data for a
parent comment might be:
id:   1
Title:  This is a parent Comment Title
comment:  This is the first comment.  The Parent.
user_id:  1

The Child comment of this might be:
id:   2
comment:  This is the child comment to comment number 1
user_id:  121
comment_id:  1

The comment_id is 1 to indicate this comment belongs to the parent
comment with ID = 1

My user.php model is:
class User extends AppModel {
var $name = 'User';

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