Thank you for the thorough description, I appreciate it - I could have
sworn I had it working on my other CentOS box without doing anything
specific, but I may not have, for now I am using

"rule" => array('custom', '/^[a-z0-9]*$/i')

and it works fine, thank you again!

Best Regards,

On Aug 23, 6:37 am, delocalizer <> wrote:
> It's nothing to do with php version - the problem is CentOS (or RHEL)
> - cake's built-in 'alphaNumeric' rule uses unicode matching in its
> regex, which is not supported by the PCRE library that comes with
> those flavours of Linux. If you know what you're doing you could try
> to compile the library with unicode support, but probably the easiest
> solution is write your own custom validation rule - just copy what is
> in the cake core & replace the unicode stuff (in the curly braces)
> with plain old ASCII regex
> cheers,
> Conrad.
> On Aug 23, 1:09 pm, Howard  Lince <> wrote:
> > I am having a problem with alphaNumeric validation on my application,
> > we redid the server (changed the os from opensuse to centos), and
> > while alphaNumeric validation worked before, it constantly returns
> > false now. I was told earlier it's the php 5.1.x so I upgraded to
> > 5.2.6, which was said to resolve this issue and it's still doing it,
> > what can I do about this?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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