Actually, using a media view would be the better bet. Already deals
with everything for you.

On Aug 26, 3:30 pm, Jon Bennett <> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I am uploading files(images, mp3s etc) to my webroot /files/ folder.
> > The files are named "<their id number>.<their extension>". Without any
> > custom routing I can access these files by "/files/343.png".
> > I would like to access this file by using the URL "/files/343-
> > sometitle.png" as well. At the moment I can do this by using a custom
> > route and an action, but this just redirects and so the URL displays "/
> > files/343.png" - I would like the URL to not change and for the file
> > to be displayed as it would be normally.
> You're nearly there. What you need to do is use echo
> file_get_contents() in a controller method, eg:
> public function img($filename='')
> {
>         $this->autoRender = false;
>         // check file exists
>         if (!file_exists(WWW_ROOT.'files'.DS.$filename))
>                 return;
>         // output file - very crude as it is, you'd want to set the correct
> header/mime type etc
>         echo file_get_contents(WWW_ROOT.DS.'files'.DS.$filename);
> }
> this only checks for a file with a real name, you'll want to strip out
> anything other than the ID.ext
> hth
> Jon
> --
> jon bennett
> w:
> iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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