Do you mean the name is the same? Because it is supposed to be - both
buttons provide a value to the same field.
What is the symptom of your problem?

On Aug 27, 9:19 pm, ""
<> wrote:
> HI,
> I can't resolve a strange problem. This is my code:
> echo $form->input('User.SecurityAccess.'.$aco_id,
>                   array
>                   (
>                     'div' => false,
>                     'label' => false,
>                     'type' => 'radio',
>                     'legend' => false,
>                     'default' => $selected,
>                     'options' => array('allow' => " {$allow}",
> 'deny' => " {$deny}")
>                   )
>             );
> I try to create a set of radio groups, every group has 2 raàdio
> buttons. I want taht every radio group has different id in their
> label, so the user can click directly on the label, BUT CAKE SEEMS TO
> PUT the same id in the code. This is the resulting code:
> <input type="radio" name="data[Group][SecurityAccess][4]"
> id="GroupSecurityAccessAllow" value="allow"  />
> <label for="GroupSecurityAccessAllow"> Allow</label>
> <input type="radio" name="data[Group][SecurityAccess][4]"
> id="GroupSecurityAccessDeny" value="deny" checked="checked"  />
> <label for="GroupSecurityAccessDeny"> <span style = 'color:
> red'>Deny</span></label>
> The other pairs of radio buttons has the SAME LABEL ID.
> Tnx!!AS?
> Tnx!!
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