Thank you Brian. Yes, that is what I would like to do. What would that
piece of code look like before the $this->render('/examples/

Is it as simple as $counties = "Please select a ..." . $counties;? I'm
not sure how to insert the empty item at the beginning of the array
before rendering.

Would you be so kind as to demonstrate for me please? Thanks!

On Aug 29, 11:14 am, brian <> wrote:
> You have to add an empty item to the beginning of the array before
> rendering the options. And I suggest you put the "Please select a ..."
> text in a label or elsewhere and just leave the 1st option of each
> select list empty.
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 10:08 AM,
> FrederickD<> wrote:
> > After hours of research and trial and error, I must turn to the group
> > for help with this. I have a series of three linked combo boxes for
> > state, county, and city from the tutorial here:
> >
> > They work great... mostly. I have added to the code in the add.ctp
> > file to include an 'empty' element of 'Please select a [whatever]'. So
> > all three combo boxes start out with the first value being 'Please
> > select a [whatever]'.
> > The user selects a state. The $ajax->observeField on the state combo
> > box fires and loads the county combo box. This loses the initial
> > 'Please select a [whatever] and displays the first entry in the list
> > of counties for the selected state.
> > Even if the user opens the county combo box and selects the first
> > entry, the $ajax->observeField does not fire to load the next combo
> > box of cities, probably because there is no actual change. Only if the
> > user selects a DIFFERENT element than the first one does the event
> > fire.
> > A possible way around this is to still have the 'Please select a
> > [whatever]' as the first element in the county combo box, forcing the
> > user to make another selection and thus firing the next observeField
> > trigger to load the cities applicable for a selected county.
> > How do I do that? How do I force another 'Please select a [whatever]
> > element into the list that is returned from the controller function to
> > retrieve the counties for the selected state?
> > Here are some code snippets:
> > /app/controllers/examples_controller.php
> > function getCounties() {
> >        $this->set('options',
> >                $this->Example->County->find('list',
> >                        array(
> >                                'conditions' => array(
> >                                        'County.state_id' => 
> > $this->data['Example']['state_id']
> >                                ),
> >                                'group' => array('')
> >                        )
> >                )
> >        );
> >        $this->render('/examples/ajax_dropdown');
> > }
> > function add() {
> >        if (!empty($this->data)) {
> >                $this->Example->create();
> >                if ($this->Example->save($this->data)) {
> >                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Example has been saved', 
> > true));
> >                        $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
> >                } else {
> >                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Example could not 
> > be saved.
> > Please, try again.', true));
> >                }
> >        }
> >        $cities = array();
> >        $counties = array();
> >        $states = $this->Example->State->find('list');
> >        $this->set(compact('cities', 'counties', 'states'));
> > }
> > /app/views/examples/add.ctp
> > <?php
> >        echo $form->input(
> >                'state_id',
> >                array(
> >                        'options' => $states,
> >                        'empty' => 'Please select a state'
> >                ),
> >                null,
> >                array(
> >                        'id' => 'states',
> >                        'label' => 'State'
> >                )
> >        );
> >        echo $form->input(
> >                'county_id',
> >                array(
> >                        'options' => $counties,
> >                        'empty' => 'Please select a county'
> >                ),
> >                null,
> >                array(
> >                        'id' => 'counties',
> >                        'label' => 'County'
> >                )
> >        );
> >        $options = array('url' => 'getcounties', 'update' =>
> > 'ExampleCountyId');
> >        echo $ajax->observeField('ExampleStateId', $options);
> > Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
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