apparently you were right about that garbige collector
after i changed the storage from "php" to "cake" and to the /tmp/
sessions/ folder
it now seems to keep alive 20 hours


On 4 Sep., 16:30, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> There is a difference between Cake storage and Database storage.
> There is both a php temp folder and a cake temp folder.
> On Sep 3, 6:35 pm, "euromark (munich)" <>
> wrote:
> > i see
> > i guess the php file storage is way faster than the DB one
> > especially if your session has already a lot of information stored
> > but if i can't come up with a better solution i will try the DB
> > sessions
> > On 3 Sep., 15:47, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> > > Just a few suggestions. These are not definitive answers.
> > > Some PHP installations have a session garbage collection that is a bit
> > > hyperactive. If you were to chage to cake session storage that would
> > > eliminate that source.
> > > I have noticed that when outputting some files to the browser (small
> > > video) the session can suddenly be lost. I tracked that down to a few
> > > candidates. Either that I was messing with the output buffer, had some
> > > notice-error printed into the file, ended the view with an exit or any
> > > combination of those.
> > > Those are the occasions when I have had Session problems.
> > > On Sep 3, 3:00 pm, "euromark (munich)" <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Has anyone had the same experience?
> > > > If I set Configure::write('Session.timeout', 'X'); down to
> > > > 1 (with level low), i will be locked out after 10 seconds (which
> > > > works!)
> > > > But if i want the session to be alive > 20 hours and set it to 300
> > > > (level medium) the page throws me out after not more than 1 hour of
> > > > inactivity.
> > > > The browser has not been closed!
> > > > Is there some "maximum" i don't know about? or what could be problem?
> > > > other settings i played with:
> > > > tried "low and medium":
> > > > Configure::write('Security.level', 'low');
> > > > renamed the cookie:
> > > > Configure::write('Session.cookie', 'CAKEPHP');
> > > > Configure::write('Session.cookie', 'MYAPP');
> > > > so there is no conflict with other sites on the server
> > > > thx
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