Thank you for the response.
So are you saying that I have only one Auth code in my complete application?
Can't we have multiple Auth code in different controllers and treat them
differently? That is each controller have their own Auth code. Is that not
possiable in cakePHP?


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:39 PM, WebbedIT <> wrote:

> I think you are approaching this the wrong way.
> Why have two models with alternate Auth configurations?  I'm not even
> sure if this is possible or what implications it has as once a user is
> logged in how does the system then know which Auth Model to recheck
> authentication against?
> I specify Auth's settings within AppController so they are global for
> my entire application.  I allow a login if the user is active, is a
> member of an active usergroup and has correct username/password combo.
> Then within each controller I create isAuthorized() functions to deal
> with which users can have access to which actions on which records
> etc.  If an authorised non-admin tries to access an admin only page/
> record then they are told they do not have to required access level.
> >

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