That's exactly the point, I want it to be in a database column, and
allow the end-user to edit it. Therefore, $test would keep a HTML/RTF
document with tags <?=?>.

I want to get it, perform variable substitution, and then e-mail it,
or save it in another database column, but I just don't want to
display it.


On Sep 13, 12:43 pm, brian <> wrote:
> This is a bit confusing. Why are you setting the variable $test in the
> first place? Just put:
> <p>Hello, <b><?=$destinatary[Person][name]?></b>
> ... in your view.
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 9:33 AM, djogo <> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > The topic on Smarty remembered me of one issue I got.
> > Suppose I have a string like this:
> > $test = '<p>Hello, <b><?=$destinatary[Person][name]?></b>';
> > and I have a variable called $destinatary defined somewhere, and I
> > wish to substitute the substring (contained in $test)
> > <?=$destinatary[Person][name]?>
> > for the appropriated value that is into the variable $destinatary
> > ['Person']['name'].
> > Is there any class on cakephp to do it? Yeah, I'm currently using
> > Smarty for that, it allows me to perform variable substitution not
> > only in "view" files, but also in strings.
> > And I feel that doing something like
> > eval( "\$return = \"$test\"; " );
> > is awfully dangerous, as $test actually comes from database, which is
> > set by the end-user.
> > The only way I though of doing that on Cakephp is by actually writing
> > the $test contents into a view and rendering it, but it's lame.
> > Thanks in advance
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