I am finally getting around to implementing the validation rules but seem to
be not quite understanding it or something.
I have this set up to validate Username:
'username' => array(
             'user-notempty' => array(
                  'rule' => array(
                      'minLenght', 8),
                  'required' => true,
                  'allowEmpty' => false,
                  'last' => true,
                  'message' => 'User name must be a minimun of 8
             'user-unique' => array(
                'rule' => array('checkUnique', 'username'),
                'message' => 'Username taken. Use another')),
Now it checks the unique factor just fine if there is a match when I test it
but if i enter a Username that is less than 8 characters it does nothing in
validation. It passes as OK.
I also can not seem to validate fields that are not  in a database such as
when I want to change the password. User enters new password in new_pass
field and new_confirm in new_confirm field. There are no fields in the db
for these fields but i added :
'new_confirm' => array(
             'notempty' => array(
                  'rule' => array(
                      'minLenght', 8),
                  'required' => true,
                  'allowEmpty' => false,
                  'message' => 'Please confirm your password.'
'new_pass' => array(
             'notempty' => array(
                  'rule' => array(
                      'minLenght', 8),
                  'required' => true,
                  'allowEmpty' => false,
                  'message' => 'Please enter a password with minimum 8
I read the cookbook validation section and it makes sense to me but
obviously am doing something wrong.
Ideas where I went wrong?

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