in short,

Article hasMany Rating
the articles/index need to paginate and sorted with AVG(rating.score)

i found a good start in

but archived, and last solution do not work at all. (cakephp 1.2.5)
my code:

class ArticlesController extends AppController {
// ...
var $paginate = array(
  'Article' => array(
    'limit' => 15,
    'order' => 'avg_rating DESC',
    'group' => ''
// ...
function index() {

if (isset($this->passedArgs['sort'])) {
  if ($this->passedArgs['sort'] == 'avg_rating') {
    $this->paginate['Article']['order'] = 'avg_rating '.strtoupper
    $this->paginate['Article']['direction'] = $this->passedArgs

    'hasOne' => array(
      'AvgRating' => array(
        'className' => 'Rating',
        'fields' => 'AVG(AvgRating.rating) AS avg_rating'
  ), false);
  $this->set('articles', $this->paginate());

is there anything i can do for a more beautiful solution?
at least, i think, a little modification in paginator help can help
index controller during "reset" passedArg
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