
I'm new in cake, i have question about designing, and creating layout
for my site,

my site is on this domain http://www.hrvatskiportali.com/HPredizajn/
an this isn't made by CakePHP this is my own made. I want to create
this same design with jQuery and other stuff in CakePHP but don't know
where to start. I read Manual, and i know a lot of cake, but that how
to make first step with creating design a don't know.

I made ERA model and datebase with cake convention :)

I want to create layout (like it is now) which will have
1) header section
2) content section
     - left side is content (2 columns)
     - right side is sidebar with widgets (elements)
3) footer section

my question is, how to create this layout where i will put some
widgets in sidebar dependent of users preferences, and content on the
left side?

Please help!!

P.S. I'm from  Croatia and my English maybe isn't very good, I
apologize for that :)

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