Thanks for the reply.  I would actually like to use the two pages
outside of the Cake document root since I have Cake and its app files
on a subdirectory.  For example:

I would like to copy:




What type of php includes would I need to do this?

On Oct 2, 8:54 pm, brian <> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Gonzalo Servat <> wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Josh K <> wrote:
> >> Is it possible to use a page outside of a CakePHP application? All but
> >> two pages of my Cake app require authentication. I have two public
> >> forms that submit data to the application.
> > You could stick the pages in your /app/webroot/. Any files in there
> > are not processed by CakePHP.
> Also, you could create views for those forms and tell Auth to allow them:
> the controller:
> function beforeFilter()
> {
>   parent::beforeFilter();
>   $this->Auth->allow(array('the_action', '...');
> }
> You might want to do that if you'd like those form pages to use the
> existing layout file.
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