Good day all,

Each time I try baking in cake, I just end up hating cakePHP! Please
someone help me out.

I downloaded the latest edition 1.2.5 and I tried to study the chapter
on ACL. While running the cake bake command (On WindowsXP
Professional, Apache 2.2.8, PHP 5.2.5, what else?), I got the
following error:

Fatal error: Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in X:\wamp\www\aclstudy
\cake\console\libs\tasks\db_config.php on line 265

This error popped up right after it had finished copying the skel
files and then told me that no db config is found and as such I should
create one. I entered all the demanded parameters correctly then it
crashed with the error stated above.

Please kindly put me through on how to tackle this because I'm STUCK!

Prof. No Time

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