If you are staying on MySQL you can do something like:

SET @pos=0;
UPDATE busstops SET pos = ( SELECT @pos := @pos +1 ) WHERE route = 1

Found that on:

Roughly half-way down the comments. Search for:
Posted by Christian Hansel on July 1 2005 9:13am
and you should find the explanations to go with the code.

good luck

On Oct 6, 10:16 am, WebbedIT <p...@webbedit.co.uk> wrote:
> You are right I am trying to achieve the simple task of resetting the
> ordering each time to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
> If there is a more efficient way to do it then I would love to
> implement it.  I must confess I am no MySQL expert, but I have done
> various searches to find a single SQL query that would do the job and
> came up short.
> Strange thing is though, the afterSave works fine if you are not
> uploading a new image ... and uploading an image should have no baring
> on resetting the number values of the records.
> I have created a workaround for this though by creating my own model
> action which I manually call after a create/edit/delete which in
> effect is doing exactly the same as the above, just called differently.
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