On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Bruno Bergher <bruno.berg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Summary: when using EmailComponent I bump into a strange problem in
> the View class. Using CakePHP
> I'm using EmailComponent  in a very standard way. In my controller I
> have:
> $this->Email->to = 's...@email.com';
> $this->Email->from = 'some.ot...@email.com';
> $this->Email->subject = 'Message Subject';
> $this->Email->template = 'template_name';  // under views/elements/
> email/text/template_name.ctp
> $this->Email->sendAs = 'text' ;
> $this->Email->send();
> The template exists and is just plain text, no special characters.
> This leads to a blank page, regardless of the E_ALL error reporting
> level.
> So I go down into the Email component class, adding die("here") calls
> and find out it fails on line 461:
> $content = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $View-
> Now I go to $View->renderLayout() and add the same die("here") calls
> there, and realize the problem is actually happening right before line
> 747, which is odd, because it's just:
> return $out;

So renderLayout() is probably fine. If you add:


just before line 461 in the component, what do you get?

Other things to check around that line:

$content -- before the explode() call

> The thing is that if I do debug($out) right before 747, it outputs the
> message perfectly, but in the normal flow of the class, it just breaks
> and returns me a blank screen after some 5 seconds hanging, with no
> error neither on the screen or the logs.
> I tried everything and have absolutely no idea what to do from here. I
> fiddled with all the parameters, renamed the template, changed it's
> content, nothing works. It only works when I remove the $this->Email-
>>template line and do like $this->Email->send('any text), but that's
> no good, obviously.
> One more curious thing: if above view.php:498 I add
> debug($data_for_layout);
> it fails in the exact same way (the request hangs for some 5 seconds
> and returns blank), but if I try
> pr($data_for_layout);
> it prints it's contents perfectly. Just thought this could be useful.

That's likely just because debug has been set to 0 before that.

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