Dear Dave,

Cake combines, yes, minifies yes... caches yes...

but when you cache the minified|combines|both version of javascript,
why don't you  cache the gzipped version also?
use the magic statement
and put what it returns in a .js.gz filename

then when you know that the client (web browser) accepts gzip, print
the content of the gzipped version not the content of combined|
minified one

As @Miles told you, you just have to test if the client accepts gzip
compression (I think most of the browsers do), and you should be
caching also the the gzipped version, so either you print (ass http
not as echo) the content of the non gzipped (minified,combined,etc...)
version or the gzipped version (which is the usual case)

The worst case scenario is when apache allows you to use the htaccess
as minimum required by cake.... so stick to this as much as possible
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