manually with find(all) and building the array yourself

or by simply using the multiple_display_field behaviour from the
bakery etc

On 12 Okt., 12:37, Buggy <> wrote:
> Hello,
> i tried to receive a list by callign find('list'):
> $employees = $this->Employee->find('list', array(
>                 'fields' => array('', "CONCAT(Employee.firstname, 
> ' ',
> Employee.middlename, ' ', Employee.lastname) AS firstname")
> )
> unfortunately, CONCAT operations work well, but cake doesnt recognize
> them as a proper field. so the values of the returned array is just
> NULL. i added $displayField in my model but this didnt help.
> is there another way to achieve this?
> or is it possible to add this functionality in future versions of
> cakephp :)
> Buggy
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