Are you certain that the settings for 'testcases' are correct? Did you
by any chance name the database 'testcases' instead of 'db_testcases'?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Christian <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I read several threads about this but not found a final "cake-like"
> solution. A lot of posts are about switching based on URLs, but I need
> to switch to another "testcases" database connection based on a
> session value I set in an action. This "testcases" connection should
> be used until end of the session/logout.
> I read about modifying database.php adding function __construct() and
> switching the default connection there, but how can I access the cake
> session there - I assume the cake core isn't fully initialized at that
> construct point and I cannot use the session component there.
> My setup:
> - In database.php I created two items: $default and $testcases (only
> difference: database name and content of course)
> - In a controller action I am saving a session value which database
> connection to use
> Try 1) I tried to set in app_controller.php/beforeFilter() the model
> var useDbConfig to switch the database. But after the normal action
> and find('all) I get a SQL error (no database selected) whereas my
> debug calls tell me that the model has switched to the "testcases"
> database config correctly (or not?).
>   function beforeFilter() {
>      if ($this->Session->read('tmp.dbconfig') && is_object($this->
> {$this->modelClass})) {
>         /* debugging */ $db = $this->{$this->modelClass}-
>>getDataSource(); debug($db->config);
>         $this->{$this->modelClass}->useDbConfig = 'testcases';
>         /* debugging */ $db = $this->{$this->modelClass}-
>>getDataSource(); debug($db->config);
>      }
>   ...
>   }
> Warning (512): SQL Error: 1046: No database selected [CORE\cake\libs
> \model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 525]
> Try 2) I tried to use the ConnectionManager method in the
> app_controller.php/beforeFilter(), but had no real success ... I do
> not really know what to do! From another thread I tried the following
> but same error
>   function beforeFilter() {
>      if ($this->Session->read('tmp.dbconfig') && is_object($this->
> {$this->modelClass})) {
>         /* debugging */ $_db = $this->{$this->modelClass}-
>>getDataSource(); debug($_db->config);
>         $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
>         $db->disconnect();
>         $db->config['database'] = 'db_testcases';
>         $db->connect();
>         /* debugging */ $_db = $this->{$this->modelClass}-
>>getDataSource(); debug($_db->config);
>      }
>   ...
>   }
> Warning (512): SQL Error: 1046: No database selected [CORE\cake\libs
> \model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 525]
> So, what is the best practice to switch database connections
> dynamically by session content?
> In controller, model, or???
> I am very thankful for any positive answer!
> Christian
> ps. talking about cake 1.2.5
> my references: searched for "usedbconfig session"
> >

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