Dear Lan
Always think like this on the client side

HTML/layout in for structuring
CSS is for styling/representing
Javascript is for behaving

cake comes with a default layout for html/php pages it is called
default.ctp and it is located in the cakefolder\cake\libs\view\layouts
the first thing you have to do is to copy it to your cakefolder\app
\views\layouts and edit it.

whay it is called 'default', because cake autodetects it, if cake
dosent find it in the cakefolder\app\libs\view\layoutsit will try to
detect it in the cakefolder\cake\libs\view\layouts

In general we stick to this convention 'default.ctp', but at any time
you can create a new layout in the cakefolder\app\views\layouts called
for example 'default2.ctp', but cake will not autodetect it as it did
with default.ctp layout, so you have to do it explicitly from the
controller by doing like this

I general (but not always) one page layout has one and only one css
stylesheet, stick to this convention also, the conventions of cake are
exactly what should every one of us think.

this was an intro, for more info, read the cookbook

On Oct 15, 11:26 am, lan <> wrote:
> Sir i want  add my own style to cake php.So please give an idea about
> this.
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