Good morning everyone,

I'm using CakePHP with Oracle and sequences (i can't use triggers
because it's forbidden in my company...)

I CAN'T add record to my database through my CakePHP app.

I respected all naming conventions.

I have a table name "PROJET", his ID is a"number" type, not null.
I've created a sequence called "PROJET_ID_SEQ' AND 'PROJETS_ID_SEQ'.
I've launch "select PROJET_ID_SEQ.nextval from dual" and "select
PROJET_ID_SEQ.nextval from dual" because if you lauch a "select
PROJET_ID_SEQ.currval from dual" ORACLE crashes saying you must do a
nextval at the first time...

Plus i added :
var $sequence = 'PROJETS_ID_SEQ';
in my projet sequence to be more explicit...

Then i try to add a new project
When i launch the debug from the dbo_oracle.php and i display "$model-
>sequence", it shows up :

So it's looks fine... BUT it doesn't work at all. He seems that
Cakephp doesn't use this sequence so i have this error :
SQL Error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into

Do you have any idea of what i am missing please ?

Thank you very much for any help because i am relly getting mad about

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