Yeah I thought maybe it had to do with my query and the contain. Maybe if
its just a straight model request.

Will try something else or go back to my extra request.



-----Original Message-----
From: John Andersen [] 
Sent: October-17-09 4:27 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Check Valid

Hi Dave,

Just tried it myself! It turns out that getNumRows() only works when there
are no recursion! As soon as recursive is set to other than -1 or 0, the
getNumRows() uses the wrong mysql resultset, returning the wrong number.
So it turns out you can't use it in your case!

The same applies to the other method, getAffectedRows().


On Oct 17, 2:36 am, "Dave Maharaj ::"
<> wrote:
> Ok I am trying the getNumRows();
> I have my query which has this in the sql debug at the bottom of the 
> page
> WHERE `Post`.`id` = '34rfgn' AND `Post`.`rank` <= 2 AND 
> `Post`.`status` = 0 with
> Affected        Num. rows       Took (ms) beside the query
> 1                       1               0
> $post = $this->Post->getPostInfo($job_id, $this->Auth->user('id'), 
> $rank);
>                  $affected = $this->Post->getNumRows();
>                  debug($affected); returns zero?
> What am I doing wrong?
> Is the getNumRows() set up right?
> My test user can only view 1 Post. (that post os a 0 rank) I have 100 
> dummy posts with different ranks and for testing purposes ths user has 
> the highest access lever so he should be able to see everything.
> Post.rank can be 0,1, or 2 this User has rank of 2 so it should work. 
> It query has not changed as I ran my checkValid() but decided to go 
> with the getNumRows to eliminate the extra query.
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Andersen []
> Sent: October-16-09 3:43 AM
> To: CakePHP
> Subject: Re: Check Valid
> That may be, but it seems to me that you then are performing two 
> queries for each need to retrieve a record, first to ask if there is 
> any records, and then to ask for the records! (Maybe I am wrong
> here!!)
> I think that querying for the records, checking for the number 
> retrieved, should be the optimal way :) Then always pass the number to 
> the view, and let the view show some message for the user to stop 
> messing around :D or some kinder message like "No information found".
> Enjoy,
>    John
> On Oct 16, 9:03 am, "Dave Maharaj ::"
> <> wrote:
> > There is another that I found.
> > Model::hasAny
> > Returns true if a record that meets given conditions exists.
> > function hasAny($conditions = null) { return ($this->find('count', 
> > array('conditions' => $conditions,
> 'recursive'
> > => -1)) != false);
> > }
> > Which I guess is pretty much the same as my validPost($id) except
> > public function validPost($id)
> >       {
> >           $valid = false;
> >           $params = array(
> >                         'contain' => false,
> >                         'conditions' => array(
> >                                 '' => $id),
> >                         'fields' => array(
> >                                 ''));
> >           $q = $this->find('first', $params);
> >           if (!empty($q)) {
> >               $valid = true;
> >           }
> >           return $valid;
> >       }
> > Dave
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Andersen []
> > Sent: October-16-09 2:57 AM
> > To: CakePHP
> > Subject: Re: Check Valid
> > I think you can use the models method getNumRows() which returns the 
> > number of rows returned in the last query!
> > Enjoy,
> >    John
> > On Oct 16, 12:19 am, "Dave Maharaj ::"
> > <> wrote:
> > > If you have posts 1, 2, and 3 for example and you type in view/4 
> > > and there is no 4 the page still renders but it has no data. How 
> > > can you prevent this ?
> > > I have
> > > if ($this->Post->validPost($id) == true) {
> > > which checks the DB for that id if found then do as normal
> > > } else {
> > > return them back to index
> > > }
> > > Is there an easier way to do that that i over looked?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave

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