Thanks Martin!

So i can put the method in the model class, but how would I call it
within a view?

This is the link I have that calls the ingredients function to remove
it from the group. If I put the method in the model, I can't call it
directly like I'm doing below can I?

Right now this works, but I'm open to a better way:

<?php echo $html->link(__('Remove', true),
                           null, sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to
remove \'%s\' from this group?', true), $ingredient['name'])); ?>

Can I just put

$this->IngredientGroup->Ingredient->removeFromGroup( $ingredient
['id'], $ingredientGroup['IngredientGroup']['id'])

directly in the view somehow? That seems to go away from the MVC

Thanks again!

On Oct 17, 10:27 am, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> First the quickfix... hopefully.
> This will try to save a PHP-null value.
> $this->data['ingredient_group_id'] = null;
> Instead try to save an SQL-null value.
> $this->data['ingredient_group_id'] = 'null';
> Or even just a zero if the above doesn't work.
> $this->data['ingredient_group_id'] = '0';
> Now for a suggestion. For saving a single field Cake models have a
> special function... called saveField no less :)
> $this->Ingredient->id = $id; // this line if very very important
> $successful = $this->Ingredient->saveField
> ('ingredient_group_id','null'); // or 0
> And finally another suggestion. You don't have to call a method in one
> controller from another for this... Better to put the whole
> "removeFromGroup()" method into the Model and call it from wherever.
> You know you can call a model like: $this->IngredientGroup->Ingredient
> right?
> ... and by answering I am not implying I am a God of any kind ;)
> /Martin
> On Oct 17, 7:56 am, Will Poillion <> wrote:
> > Just trying to update a single field within a function called from its
> > associated model:
> > I'm calling 'removeFromGroup' in Ingredients controller from my
> > IngredientGroups controller.
> > I basically want to remove the ingredient from the group, so set the
> > ingredient_group_id to null.
> >         function removeFromGroup($id = null, $group_id = null) {
> >                 if (!$id) {
> >                         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid id for 
> > Ingredient', true));
> >                         $this->redirect(array('controller'=> 
> > 'IngredientGroups',
> > 'action'=>'view', $group_id));
> >                 }
> >                 $this->data = $this->Ingredient->read(null, $id);
> >                 $this->data['ingredient_group_id'] = null;
> >                 $this->Ingredient->save($this->data);
> >                 $this->redirect(array('controller'=> 'IngredientGroups',
> > 'action'=>'view', $group_id));
> >         }
> > There's my function. It just won't save the ingredient_group_id to
> > null. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
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