I always thought the same thing as Dave, but finally gave up because
there is no other sensible solution.  I never thought to put common
methods in app_controller!!  I'm so glad I opened this thread, because
this just made cake so much more elegant for me.

On Oct 20, 11:55 am, "Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com"
<d...@widepixels.com> wrote:
> Yeah the added model strain I figured as much.
> Low down on my problem. User has 5 HABTM relations. Normally you edit all
> the user info in 1 call admin_edit in user controller. But I have broken the
> info into sections for each HABTM, I managed to write 1 function that will
> updated each HABTM so that made the code cleaner, but the User has for 1
> specific example has User.email, if they edit the email is suspends the
> account until they confirm thier email again. So I need a separate form for
> just that function so I now need 2 additional admin functions, 1 to call the
> form, and 1 to save it. Same with the Users->Profile contact info. Profile
> is made up of lots of fields but I want a user to edit say just the contact
> info fields I need a admin_edit_contact and admin_index_contact and all
> these exra functions are making agiant mess. Just tossing ideas around to
> cleanit up and more readable / manageable
> Thoughts on how to combat this?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jamie [mailto:jamie....@gmail.com]
> Sent: October-20-09 1:39 PM
> To: CakePHP
> Subject: Re: Admin Controller
> I don't think you should put your admin functions in their own controller.
> First, having a separate admin controller means that, instead of just
> loading one primary model per controller, you'll be stuck handling a ton of
> models within that one controller, which could get messy and almost
> certainly inefficient.
> Also, instead of being able to name your functions "admin_edit",
> "admin_index", etc., you'll need unique names for each model -
> "admin_users_edit", "admin_pages_edit", etc. Or, you could just have one
> massive admin_edit function. Or, your admin_edit function could just call a
> bunch of other internal functions. Any way you look at it, though, it'll be
> messy (again).
> Basically, if you keep a model's admin functions in that model's controller,
> you'll always know what you're working with.
> Why do you want to separate the functions, anyway? If you're worried about
> duplicate code (e.g. ten identical admin_edit functions), you could move
> some of your common functions that are the same in every controller to
> AppController. I did this for admin_delete and admin_edit, as well as some
> other ones I wrote (admin_publish, admin_unpublish, etc.). My 'stock'
> admin_delete in AppController, for example, looks like this:
> function admin_delete($id = null) {
>                 if (!$id) {
>                         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid id for ' .
> $this->modelClass, true));
>                         $this->redirect($this->referer());
>                 }
>                 if ($this->{$this->modelClass}->del($id)) {
>                         $this->Session->setFlash(__($this->modelClass . '
> deleted', true));
>                         $this->redirect($this->referer());
>                 }
>         }
> If I need extra functionality for a certian controller I can just define
> admin_edit() in that individual controller. But most of the time, it works
> just fine.
> Anyway, hope this helps you decide.
> - Jamie
> On Oct 20, 8:28 am, "Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com"
> <d...@widepixels.com> wrote:
> > Can you, or suggest , reasons for or not to....
> > create an admin_controller and keep all admin functions separate from
> > the other controllers?
> > Dave
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