Are you applying the authorize login settings within the beforeFilter

On Oct 26, 1:36 pm, audioworld <> wrote:
> I have a basic database management online at
> The access to the admin section is secured with a simple
> authentication which is hardcoded in the file /config/core.php
> In theory, when someone without the admin cookie set, access to the
> routes
> ../resource/delete/ID
> should be blocked. However, when I try this URL in the browser, it
> really works WITHOUT atuhentication, and the database entry is
> deleted!!! This was demonstrated last night by Google Bot which seems
> to try our every possible route, and deleted most of my entries..
> here are some lines from the APACHE acces log:
> - - [24/Oct/2009:04:57:47 +0200] "GET /contributor_roles/
> delete/15 HTTP/1.1" 200 604 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/
> 2.1; +"
> - - [24/Oct/2009:05:00:30 +0200] "GET /contributor_roles/
> delete/12 HTTP/1.1" 200 604 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/
> 2.1; +"
> I am very thankful for any help to lock up my database edit/delete
> access,
> thanks, karl.
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