I should probably follow up, just in case I wasn't completely clear (I
was reading this over trying to remember what I had done in regards to
eZ Component integration as I am now at a point in the project where I
can try to tackle this).

CakePHP does a lot.  At its core (imho) it is a wrapper to enable easy
and automatic database integration and administration.  You set up
your SQL connection, either use the `bake` tool to create your MVC
(Model, Views, and Controller for a specific database table), or
design your own model, view and controller using a scaffold.

Because CakePHP allows you a lot of flexibility, and rapid speed of
development, after designing your database and using `bake` for all
the necessary tables and tweaking your relationships in the model, you
have simple (CRUD) add/update/edit/delete functionality within a few
minutes.  Add the Security Component, the RequestHandler and a few
views per model, and you've now got a web-based API to your database.

With a web-based API, you can now access the data with any application
you want, be it a CakePHP-based project (easier to integrate, of
course), Zend, eZ Components, or a custom made site - it doesn't
matter, you can just use Cake to power the database manipulation if
you wanted.  That's the power and benefit of CakePHP, rapid speed and
efficiency of getting a project to see the light of day, whether in
its final stage or not.  It could then be used to further progress the
site, or if at a later time it was determined to migrate to another
framework or codebase (Yii, perhaps, or maybe even a ColdFusion
application? heh.), because it's MVC, it shouldn't be too difficult to
do so if you needed.

So although you can't necessarily pull off parts of CakePHP that you
like and would want to use, you can still take advantage of CakePHP in
your project if it is helpful.  But again, it's still very important
to choose the tool or tools that best fits your project(s).

On Oct 16, 12:26 pm, Kepper <keith.pick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Brendon.  That's exactly what I needed to know.
> -Keith
> On Oct 16, 11:07 am, BrendonKoz <brendon...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > That's not a dumb question, Keith.
> > AFAIK, CakePHP expects to have the core available to it at all times,
> > and the core expects calls and routing via the MVC.  Even the plugins,
> > behaviors, components, and other 3rd party extended code is doing just
> > that, extending Cake classes.
> > I haven't tried it, but I don't believe you can use parts of CakePHP
> > outside of a Cake environment.  CakePHP is a full-stack framework
> > implementation and tightly coupled.  eZ Components is more like the
> > Zend Framework in that you can pick and choose pieces you'd want to
> > use to help you get *certain* things done.  CakePHP and Symfony both
> > help you get *everything* done.  Therefore, it's very important to
> > pick and choose the proper framework for your specific project/task.
> > On Sep 23, 10:27 am, Kepper <keith.pick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Dumb question: Is it possible to use CakePHP like you would EZ
> > > Components?    Could you load the libraries and make calls without
> > > using the MVC environment?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Keith
> > > On Aug 29, 9:43 am, Rick <will...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > You should be able to do this quite easily.  Put theezcomponentsdir
> > > > into the Vendor then add the ezc autoload require in the config
> > > > core.php.
> > > > Rick
> > > > On Aug 28, 1:27 pm, BrendonKoz <brendon...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > I'm currently looking touseezComponent's ezcGraphlibrarywithin a
> > > > > CakePHP project, but I've noticedezComponentsspecify a requirement
> > > > > to have their baselibraryloaded.  (Is this similar to Zend now? Last
> > > > > I knew Zend didn't require a loader touseit as a Vendor.)
> > > > > Rather than rushing in head first into docs, hurdles, and heartache, I
> > > > > was curious if anyone has tried integrating any of theezComponents'
> > > > > "framework" in to CakePHP as a vendor - successfully; and that may
> > > > > have some tips?
> > > > > ezComponent's Graphing Class (gallery of 
> > > > > examples):http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/trunk/Graph_gallery.html
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