That's a good idea, thanks John ;)

Now I just have to see how I integrate this in order to make it
seamless for the user.

Anyone else got a version of how they would do it? :)

On Oct 28, 8:32 am, John Andersen <> wrote:
> My guess:
> You want to define a package as a collection of products, each product
> with specific options.
> Thus the following associations:
> Product HABTM Option - defines the allowable options for the product.
> SpecializedProduct belongsTo Product - defines a specialization of a
> product.
> SpecializedProduct HABTM Option - defines the options for the
> specialized product.
> Package HABTM SpecializedProduct - collects the specialized products.
> Enjoy,
>    John
> On Oct 27, 11:08 pm, r4zv4n <> wrote:
> > Hi guys :)
> > I currently have a "products" table that HABTM "options". There is
> > also a "packages" table, which HABTM "products". So far so good. The
> > tricky thing is that when building packages, I want to *only* have
> > certain options available for each package.
> > Example:
> > Product 1 has Option A, Option B and Option C
> > Product 2 has Option C, Option D and Option F
> > I want to have a Package that will be made of Product 1 with Option A
> > plus Option B and Product 2 with Option C plus Option F, for example.
> > The way I have them set up now, adding Product 1 and Product 2 to the
> > Package will show them with all their options.
> > My idea would be to HABTM the link table for Packages_Products with
> > the Options table - but I'm not really sure how that will impact
> > performance and if the automagic of Cake will still work.
> > What are your suggestions on this matter?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Razvan
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