I have an element right.ctp with the code
echo "<div id='dropzone' class='rblock'>";
echo $this->element('pplcollection');
echo "</div>".$ajax->dropRemote('dropzone',null,array('url' => '/casts/
remuser/','with'=>'{draggedid:element.id}'', 'update'=>'res'));

The pplcollection.ctp element has the code below
echo $this->requestAction('casts/showcast'); // this should set
initial values
if (isset($users)){
        foreach ($users as $user){
                echo "<div 
('users/'.$user['Image']['filename'], array('alt' => '', 'width' =>

my controller has the code called in the requestaction above as
function showcast(){
                $userlist = $this->UserProfile->getlist($this->Session->read
                $users = $this->Image->getList($userlist);
                $this->set('users', $users);

The problem is that the 2nd query is causing recursion. The image
model the query is running on has a belongsTo relationship but has var
$recursive = -1; and has no other relationships.
Each time I try load this page I get timeouts from the cake core
although the 1st query is returning only 1 result so the 2nd query
equates to "    SELECT `Image`.`id`, `Image`.`filename`,
`Image`.`alttext`, `Image`.`user_profile_id` FROM `images` AS `Image`
WHERE user_profile_id = (8) ". I've run the queries in a regular view
and they run fine.
I'm using R1.25 stable.
Any help greatly appreciated.
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