Well then theres your problem. Figure out why user is empty. Should of
probably debugged that before blaming extract.

On Oct 28, 9:37 am, Sergio Silva <ssil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> $data   =       array(
>        "User" => null
> )
> User data is null!!
> 2009/10/28 Simon <simon_d...@hotmail.com>:
> > ___viewFn       =       
> > "C:\xampp\htdocs\one\vendors\base\views\elements\email\html
> > \users/welcome.ctp"
> > $___dataForView =       array(
> >        "content" => "",
> >        "html" => HtmlHelper
> > HtmlHelper::$tags = array
> > HtmlHelper::$base = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$here = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$params = array
> > HtmlHelper::$action = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$data = array
> > HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
> > HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
> > HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$webroot = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$name = "HtmlHelper",
> >        "session" => SessionHelper
> > SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$__active = true
> > SessionHelper::$valid = false
> > SessionHelper::$error = false
> > SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "c82e7b6a933757f629da37bc1114e73f"
> > SessionHelper::$path = "/"
> > SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$security = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$time = 1256747395
> > SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false
> > SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array
> > SessionHelper::$id = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$_log = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$base = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$webroot = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$here = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$params = array
> > SessionHelper::$action = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$data = array
> > SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
> > )
> > $loadHelpers    =       true
> > $cached =       false
> > $loadedHelpers  =       array(
> >        "Html" => HtmlHelper
> > HtmlHelper::$tags = array
> > HtmlHelper::$base = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$here = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$params = array
> > HtmlHelper::$action = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$data = array
> > HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
> > HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
> > HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$webroot = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$name = "HtmlHelper",
> >        "Session" => SessionHelper
> > SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$__active = true
> > SessionHelper::$valid = false
> > SessionHelper::$error = false
> > SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "c82e7b6a933757f629da37bc1114e73f"
> > SessionHelper::$path = "/"
> > SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$security = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$time = 1256747395
> > SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false
> > SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array
> > SessionHelper::$id = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$_log = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$base = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$webroot = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$here = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$params = array
> > SessionHelper::$action = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$data = array
> > SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
> > )
> > $helper =       "Session"
> > $camelBackedHelper      =       "session"
> > $html   =       HtmlHelper
> > HtmlHelper::$tags = array
> > HtmlHelper::$base = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$here = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$params = array
> > HtmlHelper::$action = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$data = array
> > HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
> > HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
> > HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$webroot = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL
> > HtmlHelper::$name = "HtmlHelper"
> > $session        =       SessionHelper
> > SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$__active = true
> > SessionHelper::$valid = false
> > SessionHelper::$error = false
> > SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "c82e7b6a933757f629da37bc1114e73f"
> > SessionHelper::$path = "/"
> > SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$security = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$time = 1256747395
> > SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false
> > SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array
> > SessionHelper::$id = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$_log = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$base = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$webroot = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$here = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$params = array
> > SessionHelper::$action = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$data = array
> > SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
> > SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
> > $content        =       ""
> > $data   =       array(
> >        "User" => null
> > )
> > On Oct 28, 9:16 am, Sergio Silva <ssil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Could you paste here the content of $data['User'] using 
> >> debug($data['User']) ?
> >> It seems empty
> >> 2009/10/28 Simon <simon_d...@hotmail.com>:
> >> > extract ($data['User']) ?>
> >> > <?php echo trim($first_name); ?>
> >> > this is in email template in email i get these errors
> >> > Undefined variable: first_name
> >> > extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array
> >> > On Oct 28, 8:56 am, Sergio Silva <ssil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> debug($data['User']) ?
> >> >> 2009/10/28 Simon <simon_d...@hotmail.com>:
> >> >> > extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array
> >> >> > it used to work with cakephp Final  any idea- Hide quoted 
> >> >> > text -
> >> >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -
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