Is the environment at your production site and your development site
the same?

Could you create a dummy application, with only the problematic form/
view, and test it?

If the issue is still there, can you provide the dummy application or
the view for us to test?


On Nov 3, 1:45 pm, Tonu Tusk <> wrote:
> OK - if this also helps anyone to offer any suggestions, here is what
> I have just done.
> 1) generated a smaller (tested working) form with what seems to be
> acceptable to cake
> 2) Altered the main index.php entry file to just echo a message and
> then exit
> 3) uploaded this to the site
> 4) Posted the generated form from step  1)
> 5) This corrcetly used the altered index file to display the message I
> have set
> 6) Revert the index.php file back to how it was to enable cake to work
> 7) Generated a large problematic form
> 8) Uploaded the revised index.php with just the echo message and exit
> command
> 9) Post the form from step 7)
> 10) White screen - i.e this does not seem to even be accessing
> index.php !
> I guess this then suggests that it is a mod_rewrite / apache issue,
> but hard to track down as it is
> the shared host that I need to be running production on and so will be
> hard (and maybe pointless) to try and
> replicate this on my dev server.
> Could the doctype affect the way that apache / mod_rewrite module
> handles this?
> As mentioned in an earlier post, I can setup a target for the
> problematic  post data  that just vardumps the post variable and that
> is handled on the same server (but outside of the cake htaccess
> jurasdiction) and this works fine.
> Any more insight would be helpful.
> cheers
> On Nov 2, 9:52 pm, Tonu Tusk <> wrote:
> > I also set the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to 128M
> > and the available memory size to 256M
> > Probably not going to make the shared host happy, but phpinfo is
> > reporting these values as having been set.
> > It's a mystery.
> > I am going to try and replicate the problem on a clean install to try
> > and track it down.
> > On Nov 2, 7:52 pm, Dragos Chiriac <> wrote:
> > >
> > > upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in your php.ini file.
> > > Each name/value is limited to 1024 characters, if the form type is not
> > > multipart.
> > > Also look at memory size available for script ... the default 16M is not
> > > enough, as cake itself uses about 6-9 of them for a not very complex
> > > app. Notice that on certain distros the ini files for cli and apache
> > > module are different, and that you need to restart apache after every
> > > change. I suppose you use apache.
> > > Also notice that certain browsers (cough, ie, cough) , in my experience,
> > > have a hard time and break your post data if using many inputs and not
> > > setting a multipart form.
> > > Considering WSOD, is probably to have with your server (apache)
> > > settings. Can you try to post the form to a simple php that's <?
> > > print_r($_POST) ?>ing the form data ?, with reporting E_ALL ?
> > > #tail -f the error.log file of the server to see realtime what's the
> > > server saying about your attempt.
> > > Dragos
> > > Tonu Tusk wrote:
> > > > Hi, This is going to sounds a bit vague to start with, but I basically
> > > > have a form that has a lot of input boxes in it
> > > > ( > 500 text input boxes) and when this is posting back to the
> > > > controller I get the WSOD.
> > > > I have turned off all of my actual processing code in my controller
> > > > and it did all work with a smaller number of input boxes, but now it
> > > > just white screens.
> > > > As I mentioned, rewriting the controller code to just not even touch
> > > > the POSTed data but just to show some indication of status does not
> > > > affect things, there should be no (or next to no) processing of this
> > > > going on, but the controller definitely still works with exactly the
> > > > same code generating the forms, just a fewer number of inputs in the
> > > > form.
> > > > I have altered my php settings from 8M post memory to 128M as well as
> > > > massively upping the memory allowed for
> > > > php scripts but still white screen.
> > > > I don't know where to start I have tried chainging index.php in the
> > > > main entry call between generting the form and
> > > > posting it anywhere but again, I am just getting a whitescreen.
> > > > Any help at all to point me where to look next would be welcome. If I
> > > > can't debug cake then it will be a good couple of months work down the
> > > > pan and I'll have to choose another option for framework etc as I
> > > > can't waste any more time on bumbling around blindly.
> > > > thanks in advance
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