Am I right when I say that you want
/app/webroot/manager/existing_file -- should be accessible
/app/webroot/manager/nonexistent_file -- should not be rewritten to a
"missing controller" page

It that is what you want, the lazy answer is that you don't have to
worry. When you are live... at debug 0... Cake will render a 404 page
for the missing file. It might just look a little different from the
default one Apache renders.

The less lazy answer was found on stackoverflow:

RewriteRule ^manager - [L,NC]

put that before the existing Cake rules and it should do the trick...
if app/webroot is in fact the web root. The thread contains a few
other variations if the above doesn't work.

On Nov 10, 9:47 am, Walther <> wrote:
> Not sure exactly what you are wanting to do, but CakePHP automatically
> allows you to access files in webroot.
> So if you have a app/webroot/manager and you visit
> you will automatically access whatever files are in app/webroot/
> manager. This allows you to have 3rd party scripts (like forums, etc.)
> On Nov 9, 9:19 am, kangur91 <> wrote:
> > I've got problem. Is a possibility to skip folder in modrewrite? For
> > example I have folder in /app/webroot/manager/ --> I want to skip
> > rewrite on manager folder. PS: this folder is on


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