I am not happy with the javascript delete confirm method, as it
doesn't appear if javascript is disabled and the delete happens with
no checking. I want to ask the user to confirm that he wants to delete
a record, and would like to do something like this:

1. User clicks a delete link, which points at the delete action.
2. The delete action redirects the user to the view screen for the
record with a flash message asking him to confirm the delete, and
links to confirm or reject the deletion.
3. If the user clicks the confirm link they are redirected back to the
delete action but this time with a parameter that shows the action has
been confirmed, and the deletion takes place.
4. The parameter identified in (3) is not present in stage (2), which
is how (2) knows to direct to the view screen and ask for
confirmation, rather than just processing the delete.
5. I am reusing the view screen and action in (2) so that I don't have
to build new confirm_delete screens and actions (I would need to build
about 60 of them).

I have looked for help on adding a parameter to the redirect action,
but can't find an answer. I'd be grateful for some advice and
recommendations, please.


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