Dear Cakers,

I'm experimenting a strange behaviour on a baked edit.ctp view...

Basicly in the edit.ctp there's a textarea (included by Form Helper)
that when it's filled and the Submit button is press everything seems
to work fine... and even the whole text inserted is correctly saved in
the proper mysql table. The problem is that if i re-edit the same
record recalling (edit.ctp) the textarea appears to be empty so it's
not possible to apply any further changes (moreover you have to be
aware that if you push the Submit button you're going to overwrite all
the current content in the database field).

Now the thing is even more strange because all this happens only if i
fill the textarea with a long text, while if the text is short, it
will correctly be rendered in when i re-open the edit.ctp view.

How is this possible since I haven't specified any limit on the
textarea's lenght?

Is it possible that when you bake a edit.ctp view it has a limit on
textareas lenght by default ?

I'm totally stucked with this thing  :-(
...and I hope someone could suggest me something to check to handle
this thing...

Thaks a lot for any little advice...



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