I'm trying to understand what you want to get with "class"=>
"{mask:'9', type:'repeat'}" ?

class name in HTML should be alfanumerical (strting from a letter), so
I don't see a point in this statement (maybe I'm wront ;-) ).

Anyhow cakePHP escapes attributes with h() function, try to add
"escape" => false to options:

<?php echo $form->text('Controller.input', array("class" =>
"{mask:'9', type:'repeat'}", "escape" => false )); ?>

But again, I don't think that is good way of using the "class"
parameter, wchich should be used to define classes of form element in

Best Regards,
Maciej Gołaszewski

On Nov 18, 1:14 pm, Caio Tarifa <caiotar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> CakePHP is converting my quotes for ASCII decimal. Look the example:
> Input:
> <?php echo $form->text('Controller.input', array("class" =>
> "{mask:'9', type:'repeat'}")); ?>
> Output:
> <input name="data[Controller][input]" type="text"
> class="{mask:&#039;9&#039;, type:&#039;repeat&#039;}" value=""
> id="ControllerInput" />
> Please, help me to solve my problem?
> Regards,
> Caio Tarifa


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